

2017-01-21    09'43''

主播: 跟着欢姐学美语

104 9

感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~ 36. Because local officials' careers often depend on how well the economy in their jurisdiction is performing, there is an incentive for them to report positive figures. 因为当地政府官员的职业生命常常依赖于其任期内经济情况如何,这也是他们报道正面数字的一个激励。 37. The Iraqi people, he insists, will persist and overcome these attacks, and raise their voice to show and proclaim that they will not be silenced by terrorism. 他坚称,伊拉克人民将坚持战斗,且会战胜这些袭击,并将奋起呐喊,展示并宣告他们不会因为受到恐怖主义的威胁而保持沉默。 38. Compared with the long-standing friendship between the two countries, their boundary dispute is only an issue of a temporary and limited nature. 两国之间的边界争论, 比起两国的悠久友谊来说, 是一个暂时性和局部性的问题。 【考研重点词汇】boundary, dispute,temporary,nature(性质、属性)【翻译细节】加字法,将nature翻译为“某种性质的问题”;【优秀句型】Compared with......分词短语做比较状语。 39. While the contents of the documents may not have been surprising, the quantity of the disclosure was unprecedented —a huge and instantaneous release made possible in the age of the Internet. 尽管此次批露的文件内容可能并不出人意料,但批露的数量却是史无前例的------在互联网时代使得这种大规模的瞬间(信息)释放成为可能。 【考研重点词汇】content,document(可做动词表示“如实记录”), the quantity of,disclosure(n.揭发、披露),unprecedented(adj.空前的、史无前例的),instantaneous(adj.瞬间的、即时的);【经典句型】while……,……(以逗号为分界线前后表示让步转折关系) 40. The mystery of what happens in our brains when we remember something is fascinating not only from a scientific perspective but also because the experience of recall can be so, well, memorable. 当我们想起什么的时候,我们的大脑里发生了什么? 记忆的秘密不光从科学的角度来讲是吸引人的,同样也因为回忆——这种经历是迷人的——很值得纪念。