Mommy, teach me read - Phonetics first part 1

Mommy, teach me read - Phonetics first part 1

2016-02-21    02'02''

主播: 丹妮和妈妈irene

253 9

What worked in teaching reading was phonetics, plain and simple. Why? Because English, despite the variations we trip over and laugh about, is basically a phonetic language. 指导阅读行之有效的就是语音拼读,既简单又明了。为什么呢?因为,尽管我们常常被英语的变化所阻碍,甚至对此一笑置之,但基本上英语是一种可拼读的语言。   Of some 500,000 words in the dictionary, 85 percent are phonetic. 50万字的字典中,85%的单词是符合拼读规律的。   Of course there are exceptions. Think of ough. I come up with six ways to say it: oo in through, uff in rough, off in cough, au in bought, o in though, ow in bough.Obviously words like these are learned only by sight. Sight recognition is part of any reading program. 当然也有例外。比如ough。我举六个例子说明:through中发oo音,rough中发uff音,cough中发off音,bought中发au音,though中发o音,bough中发ow音。显然这样的单词最适合通过视觉观察学习。视觉识别是任何阅读程序的一部分。 But sight-reading is a secondary approach, part of an arsenal professionals call word attack skills. Word attack skills are all the tools we give a child to master reading. Important as it is to conquer the exceptions in the English language, sight-reading does not adequately replace a phonetic approach to reading。 一些阅读专家称视觉阅读为词汇击破技能,是给孩子掌握阅读的万用工具,但它还是一个次要的方法。视觉阅读是攻克英语语言中例外情况的重要工具,但并不足以替代语音拼读在阅读中的重要作用。