cold 除了冷,还有哪些意思呢

cold 除了冷,还有哪些意思呢

2017-11-24    10'35''

主播: J+J

69 5

1. It's freezing cold today. 今天实在是太冷了。 2. I caught a cold last night. 我昨晚感冒了。 bad cold 重感冒 I took some cold medicine for my cold. 我吃了一些感冒药。 I can't give you my cold. 我不会把感冒传染给你。 3. a cold snap/ spell 寒潮 4. cold-blooded 冷血的、冷酷的 She killed her daughter. She is cold-blooded. 她太冷血了,竟杀了自己的女儿。 5. cold-hearted 冷漠无情的 She is a cold-hearted person who does not really care about your situation. 她是个冷漠无情的人,对你的处境并不是真的关心。 transpositional consideration 换位思考 6. cold fish 冷酷无情的人 He is a cold fish. No one wants to make friends with him. 他是一个冷漠的人,没人想和他交朋友。 7. cold shoulder 冷淡、轻视 After breaking up with her, he gave her the cold shoulder. 分手之后,他对她爱答不理。 8. out in the cold 被冷落、被忽视 Every time I see you, you leave me out in the cold. 每次我见到你,你都不理我。 9. throw cold water on 泼冷水 The group leader always throws cold water on my ideas. 领导经常泼我冷水。 10. stop cold 突然停止 A new bread maker, however, it stopped working for ten minutes when the electricity stopped cold. 由于突然停电,我新买的面包机停止工作十分钟。 11. to get cold feet 临阵退缩 She was to get married last week but she got cold feet. 她本该上周结婚的,但是她打了退堂鼓。 12. cold calls 推销电话 I dislike cold calls. 我讨厌推销电话。