

2017-08-27    12'19''

主播: J+J

114 5

1. 七夕节的正确说法 Chinese Valentine's Day 2. Time Long, long ago Once upon a time Over 2,000 years ago Legend tells us 3. Place heaven 天宫 the Milky Way 银河 a bridge of magpies 鹊桥 4. Main Character Cowherd 牛郎 weaver girl 织女 the Queen of Heaven 王母娘娘 Bull 牛(cow母牛;bull公牛,喂养用的;ox公牛,干活用的) 5. Main Story 很久很久以前,有一个放牛娃名叫牛郎,父母早亡,只好跟着哥哥嫂嫂度日。然而,哥哥嫂子为人狠毒,经常虐待他,后来又把他赶出家门。牛郎只好靠放牛种地维生。 A legend tells the story of Niu Lang, an honest boy who was forced to live with his brother and sister-in-law after the death of his parents. He was treated badly and eventually driven away by his sister-in-law. Niu Lang, whose name means cowherd, looked for a place to live and turned to farming and caring for his single ox. 有一天老牛开口说话了,“过几天你会看见七仙女在湖里洗澡,你把第七个女孩儿的衣服藏起来,她就会成为你的妻子,我几年后会死去,把我的皮剥下来保存好,如果有了麻烦,你披上它就可以飞上天了。” One day his old ox spoke suddenly and told him, “You will see seven beautiful girls bathing in a lake. If you hide the youngest girl's clothes she will become to your wife. A few years later I will die. You'll need to peel my hide off and keep it. If trouble comes, take the hide and you can fly on it.” 几天后厌倦了天上生活的织女,来人间寻找刺激。她和牛郎相爱结婚,过上了男耕女织的快乐生活,不久有了两个孩子。 A few days later the goddess Zhinu came to earth. She was bored of heaven and was looking for adventure. The two fell in love and married. Niu Lang ploughed his field in contentment, and Zhinu wove fine cloth. She gave birth to one beautiful baby, and then another. 王母娘娘发现织女与凡人结婚生子非常生气,于是命人把她带了回去。牛郎很难过。突然,他想起了老牛临死时跟他说的话,便马上披上牛皮带着两个孩子飞去天上找织女。但是王母娘娘看见之后,画了一条线,这条线变成了银河,彼此相爱的两个人就这样分开了,从而形成牛郎星和织女星。 When the queen of heaven discovered that her granddaughter had married a human, a forbidden act, she ordered that Zhinu be brought back. Niulang, longed for his wife, then remembered the words of the old ox. When his ox died, he carried their children to heaven on its hide, in search of his wife. But the queen of heaven, in her anger, drew a line in the sky to separate the two lovers, forming the Milky Way between two constellations: Niu Lang, called Altair and Zhi nu called Vega. 织女必须永远坐在银河的一边,悲哀地编织,而牛郎只能远远地看着她,照顾两个孩子。但一年一次,世界上所有的喜鹊都会怜惜它们,飞向天空,组成一座桥,让牛郎和织女在鹊桥相见。王母娘娘被他们的爱感动,最终同意他们见面,这一天就是农历7月7日,七夕节。 Zhinu must sit forever on one side of the Milky Way, sadly weaving on her loom, while Niu Lang watches from afar, caring for their two children. But all the magpies in the world took pity on the cowherd and the weaver girl. They flew up to heaven and together, built a strong bridge. On this bridge the two lovers met. The Queen of Heaven saw their great love and declared that once a year they could meet. So every year, on the seventh night of the seventh moon, the two lovers meet on the bridge of magpies.