

2017-06-17    12'58''

主播: J+J

151 7

Superstition 迷信    1. Spitting on a new bat is considered lucky. 往新(棒球)棒上吐口水会有好运。 Having a wet bat makes for slippery balls. 一个湿的球棒使球滑。 2. If three people are photographed together, the one in the middle will die first. 如果三个人一起拍照,站在中间的那个人会先去世。 3. The wedding cake is important for us. When the new couple cut the cake, the groom must put his hand on the bride's hand and they cut it together. If a bride cut the cake by herself, she will not be able to have a baby. 新郎新娘切蛋糕时,新郎的手要放在新娘的手上一起切。要是让新娘自己切蛋糕的话,则怀不上孩子。 4. 你右手掌有几个叉叉,预示着你会有几个孩子。 5. If a black cat crosses your path, it's bad luck. 路遇黑猫意味不详。 In the old superstitious days, people believe that witches can transform themselves into black cats. If one crossed your path, it meant a witch was watching you. 以前人们迷信女巫们会化身为黑猫,所以如果你在路上碰见了黑猫,这意味着有女巫盯上你了。 If a cat walks under a ladder it's bad luck. 猫从梯子下面走过也会带来霉运。 6. If a candle blows out, evil spirits are nearby. 如果蜡烛熄灭,说明附近有邪恶灵魂。 用同一根火柴点燃三根香烟,会带来厄运。 7. 打喷嚏的时候,用手捂住你的嘴,可以防止灵魂外逃。 When we sneeze, people say "bless you". 如果我们打喷嚏,别人会说“祝福你”。 People thought there was an evil spirit inside the one who sneezed. 人们认为邪恶的灵魂会存在于打喷嚏人的体内。 The phrase "bless you" comes from the plague that was spreading in 590 A.D. in Italy. When people first got the plague, they all started sneezing. So the pope urged everyone to pray without stopping and also to bless those who were sneezing. 这个短语源于公元590年意大利的一场瘟疫。最先染上瘟疫的人,都开始打喷嚏。所以教皇就提议大家为那些打喷嚏的人祈祷祝福,希望他们可以恢复健康。 8. Find a penny pick it up and all the day you'll have good luck. 拣到一便士的人全天都可以有好运。 If the penny is hand side up, it's good luck. But if it's tail side up, it's bad luck. 如果捡起的硬币正面朝上,会带来好运;反面朝上,则会带来厄运。 9. Broken mirror will result in seven years bad luck. 破碎的镜子意味着之后7年的厄运。 What a harsh punishment. 多么严厉的惩罚呀! Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who is the fairest of them all. (From Snow White) 魔镜魔镜谁是世界上最美的女人。来自《白雪公主》 10. Carrots help you see in the dark. 胡萝卜有助于提高夜视能力。 The British invented radar and began bombing the Germans at night. So the Germans were trying to figure out how they were doing it. The rumor started that was the carrots in our ration packs that helped them to see in the dark. The Germans eventually figured it out it wasn't true. But the rumor had already spread.    二战期间英国人发明了雷达并开始在夜晚轰炸德国。德国人就开始研究英国人是如何做到夜间瞄准的。英国政府就散布谣言说他们食用一定数量的胡萝卜来提高夜视能力来迷惑德国人。德国人最后发现了这不是真的,但到那时是这一说法已经被广泛流传了。