

2017-04-23    11'44''

主播: J+J

85 4

Describe Charity-lee: Charity-lee is tall and slim. She has delicate facial features and fair skin. Her eyes are crystal-blue and have a double fold. She has a pointed nose and fine lips. Her light brown hair falls to her shoulders. Describe JiaJia: JiaJia is medium height. She has a heart shaped face with a dimple on the left side. Her eyes are small and she wears deep-blue glasses. She has shapely eyebrows, a small nose, and a red mouth. Her fair skin contrasts with her midnight black hair. 1、身材: short/ tall 矮/高个子 medium height 中等身材 fat/ overweight 胖的(很少用来形容别人,这样很冒犯,有时会形容自己) bigger/ large frame 身材魁梧(不用strong来形容) muscular 肌肉发达的 slim/ slender 苗条的 2、脸型: heart shaped 尖脸; round/oval 圆的; long 长的 3、五官: (1) 眼睛: deep-set 深陷的; crystal-clear eyes 水灵灵的眼睛; expressive eyes 会说话的眼睛; eyebrows 眉毛; curl eyelashes 翘睫毛 double-fold eyelids 双眼皮的; single-fold eyelids 单眼皮的 (2) 鼻子: small 小的; big 大的; pointed 尖尖的; hooked 鹰钩形的 (3) 嘴部: thin薄嘴唇; full lips 饱满的嘴唇(漂亮丰满的嘴唇也可以用Hollywood lips来形容) teeth 牙齿; straight 整齐的; crooked/ uneven 不整齐的 (4) 面部特征: well-featured 五官端正的 dimple 酒窝 freckles 雀斑 wrinkles 皱纹 a beauty mark 美人痣 4、头发 black hair 黑色的头发 blonde hair 金色的头发 light/ dark brown 浅(深)棕色的头发 chestnut hair 棕红色的头发 pony tail 马尾辫 pig tail 两个小辫子 curly hair 卷发 straight hair 直发 5、短语、句型 What does she look like? 她长什么样呢? Do you take after your mother or do you take after your father? 你长得像爸爸还是像妈妈? You look like your mother. 你长得像妈妈。 You can't judge a book by its cover. 千万不要以貌取人。