

2016-05-20    10'13''

主播: J+J

324 17

beggar 乞丐 Dubai 迪拜 pos machine 收款机 mysterious 神秘的 outdated 过时的 first impression 第一印象 White robes and black robes are Muslim's traditional dress. 白袍和黑袍是穆斯林传统服饰。 Aladin 阿拉丁 two decades 20年 twin room 标间 Sounds awesome! 听起来好棒! luxury brands 奢侈品牌 diamond rings 钻戒 dazzling 耀眼的 showing off wealth 炫富 gasoline 汽油 Only 50 years ago, Dubai was just a dusty region by the water populated by coastal traders and Bedouins. Then in the 1960s, they discovered oil and suddenly there was an injection of millions of petrol dollars, which proceeded to drastically transform the country. 五十年前,迪拜只是个尘土漫布的地方,居住着以海维生的人和贝都因人。直到1960s,石油被发现,突然间富起来了,这个国家发生了巨大的变化。 Dubai's prince, Chief Mohammed, was smart. He knew their oil would eventually dry up. So, he had to find alternative ways to sustain life for the Dubai people. 迪拜王子穆罕默德很明智,他知道石油总有一天会枯竭,所以他去寻找能够位置人们生活的代替品。 Dubai still has 3 untapped resources - sun, sand, and sea. 迪拜还有三个未被开发的资源——阳光、沙滩、海洋。 He wants to turn his country into one of the world's most exclusive holiday destinations. 他想把他的国家变成世界上独一无二的旅游圣地。 impressive 给人印象深刻的 The Burj Al Arab Hotel 帆船酒店 It is one of the most incredible buildings on the planet. 这是地球上最难以置信的建筑。 National Geographic documentary 国家地理的纪录片 icon 图标 It's creation pushed everyone involved to the limit. 它把所有相关人员都用到了极限。 In the first stage, the engineers had to struggle to produce a low island to resist the storms. 第一阶段,工程师努力去建一个低的小岛去抵御风暴。 They used concrete blocks to reduce the impact of the waves. These blocks act like a sponge. When a wave hits, the water passes through the spaces inside the blocks and then turns itself around. This way the force of the wave is largely dissipated. 他们用水泥巨石减少海浪的影响,这些巨石像个海绵,当海浪拍打的时候,海水经过巨石内部的空间,自身旋转,这种方式大大分散了阻力。 foundation 地基、粉底 The team searched for bedrock by drilling into the seabed, but even 180 meters down, there was still no solid rock. 这个团队向海底打钻180米寻找基岩,但是仍然没发现坚固的岩石。 tougher 困难的 They put 250 concrete piles into the sand, because of the skin friction between the sand and surface of the pile. 由于沙子和柱子表面的摩擦力,他们把250个水泥柱子放进沙子里。 millennium 千禧年 The only way to finish on time was to start interior design and decoration long before the exterior was actually finished. 唯一按时完工的办法就是在外部建筑完工之前就开始内部装修。 crystal lights 水晶灯 marbles 大理石 bedroom suites 套房 The architects wanted to create an unparalleled experience of having a meal 200 meters above the sea. You can sit outside and feel like you are floating on the clouds. 建筑师想在据海平面200米的高空营造一个无与伦比的用餐经历,你坐在外面感觉像飘在云上一样。
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