

2016-01-29    08'33''

主播: J+J

598 35

Thailand 泰国 AirAsia 亚航 Nothing is free. No food, newspaper, baggage allowance, passenger lounge at airport or even frequent-flyer-miles. 什么都不免费。没有食物、报纸、行李限制严格、贵宾室和常旅客。 There’s only one aircraft type, so maintenance and training of pilots and crew go through the same program to meet global safety standards. There is no business or first class that requires additional training. 他们只有一种机型,所以维修及对飞行员和机组人员的培训,通过同一个项目就可以满足全球安全标准。没有商务舱和头等舱所以不需要额外的培训。 Airlines also have this formula that they use to calculate how many passengers will show up for each flight. 亚航有一套公式,可以计算出每架航班实际能乘坐多少人。 Airlines use a fare ticket system that rewards early tickets purchases online. 亚航有网络购票系统作为早购票的酬谢。 A number of seats are reserved for promo fares on a first-come-first-serve basis. 大量的座位可以预定,按照先到先得的原则促销。 piso fare 特价票 discounted fare 打折票 full price fare 全价票 On some holidays, if you take the flight going the opposite way, the same day, you are bound to get a really good deal. 在节假日,如果你购买同一天的逆程机票一定很划算。 budget airlines 廉价航空 Less time spent taxiing and cuing for take off means more time spent in the air. 减少滑行时间并及时起飞意味着更多飞行时间。 A quick turnaround at the airport means not using boarding bridges for arrivals and departures and saving up to 4 minutes on the ground. At the end of day, it can add up to a whole additional flight. 在机场一个很快的转弯意味着出发和到达的时候不使用登机桥,在地面上可节省4分钟。一天下来,可以多飞一班。 Southwest/ Jetstar/ WestJet/ Ryanair 分别是美国、澳洲、加拿大、欧洲的廉价航空 ladyboys 人妖 plaza 广场、购物中心 Ladyboys are males who use hormones and plastic surgery to become females. 人妖是男性用荷尔蒙和整形的技术变成女性。 But you can often still recognize them because their bone structure and Adam’s apple. 但是你仍然可以通过骨骼和喉结辨认出来。 Some ladyboys have breast implants or a full sex change, while others just keep what they are born with. 一些人妖做了丰胸和变性手术,另一些还保留着男性生殖器。 A lot of people can’t understand until they meet these girls, you realize it isn’t just a bunch of guys in dresses. It’s a group of pretty women. 很多人看到人妖才明白,他们不是穿着裙子的男人,都是些绝色美女。 Superwomen 女超人 Ladyboys also find western men to be desirable partners, especially if they have money, maturity and stability. 人妖也寻找西方男人作为理想的伴侣,特别是有钱成熟稳重的。