

2016-05-27    18'57''

主播: 地道英语口语

29 0

Singing is sort of like skipping or laughing. You do it when you’re feeling happy, and it makes you feel happy to do it. Whether you like to sing in public or just in the privacy of your own car with the radio turned up, singing can be a great release. Sometimes, you just have to let loose and belt out a song. But other people might not be quite so enthusiastic about your singing, especially if you don’t know how to carry a tune. Find out if Dale and Beren like to belt it out Dialogue 对话 Dale: I love to sing. Beren: Really? Dale: Actually, I did so last night, and I did it publicly. Karaoke, sang it all. Went nuts. Beren: You were belting it out? Dale: I was going at it. But I’ve been singing since I was like 15. I went to the Philippines, I was singing in front of large crowds, on TV, millions watching. Then I sang in Japan, toured with a band for six months, and did that, went from place to place. Beren: That’s impressive. Dale: But the odd thing is, it’s just like one of those…I don’t know if I would do that sober. Beren: That’s interesting. I hate singing. I can’t carry a tune at all. I love music, but I don’t like singing. Dale: You don’t have to be always in tune. Beren: I’ll sing along to the radio. I’ll sing along to songs I know. But I would never sing publicly. Dale: Like singing in the shower? Beren: Totally. Dale: You do? Beren: Yeah! Dale: Right on. Discussion 讨论 Dale loves to sing. He has even sung professionally. He sang on TV in the Philippines and toured with a band in Japan. However, he finds it easier to belt it out after he has had a couple of drinks. Beren, on the other hand, hates singing. She doesn’t know how to carry a tune, so she is embarrassed to sing publicly. The only time she’ll sing is in private. She likes singing along with the radio, and sometimes she sings when she’s in the shower.