牧羊少年奇幻之旅 73

牧羊少年奇幻之旅 73

2017-09-13    04'46''

主播: 楠楠一家的英语播客

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The Alchemist 原文 (73)   "Shortly thereafter, the father died as he tried to save a child who was about to be crushed by the wheels of a chariot. Since he had lived his entire life in a manner that was correct and fair, he went directly to heaven, where he met the angel that had appeared in his dream. 'You were always a good man,' the angel said to him. 'You lived your life in a loving way, and died with dignity. I can now grant you any wish you desire.' 'Life was good to me,' the man said. 'When you appeared in my dream, I felt that all my efforts had been rewarded, because my son's poems will be read by men for generations to come. I don't want anything for myself. But any father would be proud of the fame achieved by one whom he had cared for as a child, and educated as he grew up.  Sometime in the distant future, I would like to see my son's words.' "The angel touched the man's shoulder, and they were both projected far into the future. They were in an immense setting, surrounded by thousands of people speaking a strange language. "The man wept with happiness. 'I knew that my son's poems were immortal,' he said to the angel through his tears. 'Can you please tell me which of my son's poems these people are repeating?' "The angel came closer to the man, and, with tenderness, led him to a bench nearby, where they sat down. "'The verses of your son who was the poet were very popular in Rome,' the angel said. 'Everyone loved them and enjoyed them. But when the reign of Tiberius ended, his poems were forgotten. The words you're hearing now are those of your son in the military.' "The man looked at the angel in surprise. 'Your son went to serve at a distant place, and became a centurion. He was just and good. One afternoon, one of his servants fell ill, and it appeared that he would die. Your son had heard of a rabbi who was able to cure illnesses, and he rode out for days and days in search of this man. Along the way, he learned that the man he was seeking was the Son of God. He met others who had been cured by him,and they instructed your son in the man's teachings. And so, despite the fact that he was a Roman centurion, he converted to their faith. Shortly thereafter, he reached the place where the man he was looking for was visiting.' 'He told the man that one of his servants was gravely ill, and the rabbi made ready to go to his house with him. But the centurion was a man of faith, and, looking into the eyes of the rabbi, he knew that he was surely in the presence of the Son of God.' 'And this is what your son said,' the angel told the man. 'These are the words he said to the rabbi at that point, and they have never been forgotten: "My Lord, I am not worthy that you should come under my roof. But only speak a word and my servant will be healed." "' The alchemist said, "No matter what he does, every person on earth plays a central role in the history of the world. And normally he doesn't know it." The boy smiled. He had never imagined that questions about life would be of such importance to a shepherd. "Good-bye," the alchemist said. "Good-bye," said the boy. The Alchemist 译文 (73)       过没多久,这位父亲为了拯救一个差点被车轮轧死的小孩,而去世了。因为他这一生没犯什么过错,又做了许多好事,于是他就直接进去天堂。在天堂中,他遇见了当初梦见的那位天使。     “你一直都是个好人,”天使对他说,“你的一生充满爱,并且死得很有价值。所以我要应许你一个愿望。”     “生命对我已经很宽厚了,”这个人说,“当你出现在我的梦里,我已经觉得毕生的努力都有了回馈,因为我儿子的诗篇将会被后世人传诵。我不想为自己祈求任何事,不过每一位父亲都会希望能骄傲地目睹,他所栽培教育出来的儿子声名远扬。我只希望能在遥远的未来,亲眼目睹我儿子写的文章。”     天使摸摸这个人的肩膀,于是他就和天使一起被传送到未来。他们来到一处广大的地方,被成千个人包围着,听见这些人正用一种奇怪的语言说话。     这位父亲欢喜地哭了。     “我知道我儿子的诗永垂不朽了,”他泪眼婆娑地对天使说,“你能不能告诉我,这些人正在读我儿子的哪一篇诗?”  天使靠近这个人,温柔地引着他坐到附近的一张椅子上,天使也坐下。     “你的诗人儿子的作品在当时非常受罗马人欢迎,”天使说,“每一个人都很喜欢读他的诗,可是当提比略王朝结束以后,这些诗就被遗忘了。现在你正听到的文章,是你另外那个从军儿子所说的话。”那人十分惊讶地看着天使。     “你的儿子到远地去从军,后来成为一位百夫长。他很公正又很善良,有一次他的一个仆役生病,而且看来就要死了。你的儿子听说有一位犹太人会治病,于是就骑了几天几夜的路到处去寻找这位犹太人。在寻找的过程中,他知道这位犹太人就是神的儿子。他和其它被治愈的病人碰面,而这些人教导你儿子神之子所传的福音。于是他虽然是罗马的百夫长,却接受了他们的信仰。随后不久,他终于找到了这个人。”     “他告诉那个人,他的一位仆役已经病得非常严重了,而那位犹太人就准备跟他一起到他家去。可是你的儿子是一位非常虔诚的人,当他望着那位犹太人的眼睛时,立刻知道在他眼前的,就是神的儿子。” 天使接着告诉这位父亲说,“你现在听到的,就是你儿子当时对这位犹太人说,而且被永远传诵下来的话:主啊,我实在不敢劳驾您到我的屋檐下,可是只要您的一句话,我的仆役就能得救。”     炼金术士说,“无论做什么,每一个人都在世界历史上扮演了重要的角色,而通常他本身并不自知。”     男孩笑了,他从来不曾想过一个牧羊人会对探索生命的问题产生什么重要性。     “再见。”炼金术士说。     “再见。”男孩说。