[疯狂]动物城Zootopia|It's A Crazy, Beautiful, and Diverse City

[疯狂]动物城Zootopia|It's A Crazy, Beautiful, and Diverse City

2017-07-27    01'38''

主播: 走,出门散步去

11836 496

微博: Ottoeveryday 微信公众号: 凹凸凸成长日记 Meanwhile, a peace rally organized by pop star Gazelle was marred by protest. Go back to the forest, predator! I’m from the Savannah. Zootopia is a unique place. It’s a crazy, beautiful, and diverse city, where we celebrate our differences. This is not the Zootopia I know. The Zootopia I know is better than this. We don’t just blindly assign blame. We don’t know why these attacks keep happening. But it's irresponsible to label all predators as savages. rally ['ræli] n.集会 mar [mɑr] v.破坏,损毁 protest [prəˈtɛst;protɛst] n. 抗议 savage ['sævɪdʒ] n. 野蛮,残暴的人