[多读书]增加词汇量Improve Your Vocabulary

[多读书]增加词汇量Improve Your Vocabulary

2017-05-04    01'35''

主播: 走,出门散步去

2541 134

微信 oT88To 4. You will improve your vocabulary 多读书会增加词汇量 The more words you're capable of using, the better you will become at expressing your thoughts and feelings. I couldn't imagine how I would write articles like this if I didn't actively aim to expand my vocabulary, because using the same few words to express myself would get awfully boring in a hurry (don't you agree?). 你运用的单词越多,你就越能更好地表达你的想法和感受。如果我没有积极地想去扩充我的词汇量,真想不到我会写出这么好的文章,因为总用那几句话来表达自己,势必会了无新意非常枯燥乏味。(你也这么认为吧?)