Day51:Where does it pour for a month?

Day51:Where does it pour for a month?

2017-05-21    00'21''

主播: Sophia的英语学堂

328 4

关注微信公众号ettalk365,获取更多学习内容。 sophia微信:sophia_ettalk 微博:Sophia的英语学堂 Some parts of India and Southeast Asia have long, heavy downpours called monsoons. Big black clouds are blown in from the sea during the summer months. Once the rain starts, it can last for weeks, flooding the fields and the streets. 1. downpour:倾盆大雨 2. monsoon:季风; (印度等地的)雨季 [mɒn'suːn] 3. blow:风吹 4. flood:淹没