美国小学英语阅读每日跟读Cool As A Cuke

美国小学英语阅读每日跟读Cool As A Cuke

2016-05-09    04'40''

主播: Zoe的美国学习之路

274 8

“My cousin Cuke is coming to visit.” Says Uzzle. The monsters meet Cuke. Cuke can yo-yo. He can do tricks on his bike. “Cuke is very cool.” says Uzzle. “I don&`&t think I kike Cuke.” says Bonk. “You will when you get to know him.” says Uzzle. The monsters have a picnic. Cuke can spit watermelon seeds. He can whistle like a bird. He can race and win every time. Uzzle, Lurk and Snag dress like Cuke. They wear shoes like Cuke. They comb their fur like Cuke. Bonk does not. He does not want to play. “Who needs Cuke?” he says. One morning, Cuke gets up early. “I will go for a bike ride.” he says. He rides and rides. Soon, he is far from Uzzle&`&s house. “Where am I?” he asks. At home, everyone looks for Cuke. “I think Cuke is lost,” says Uzzle. “Who can help us find him?” asks Lurk. The monsters think. “Bonk knows all the streets,” says Snag. “He always knows the way,” says Lurk. The monsters knock on Bonk’s door. “Please help us find Cuke,” says Uzzle. “You know all the streets,” says Snag. “You always know the way,” says Lurk. “We really need you,” says Uzzle. “Well,” says Bonk, “I will help you.” Bonk puts on his helmet. He hops on his bike. The monsters ride all around. “CUKE!” they call. Suddenly, Bonk sees Cuke. “There he is!” says Bonk. Cuke runs over to Bonk. He gives Bonk a monster hug. “Thank you, Bonk!” says Cuke. “How can l thank you?” Bonk thinks. “You could stay for another week,” says Bonk “I&`&m just getting to know you.”