驻下英语Level3/ American High School Life

驻下英语Level3/ American High School Life

2017-03-16    08'38''

主播: kobeghy

31 3

本栏目由驻下英语赞助推荐 Kobe Works 可鄙作品制作出品 背景音乐: Red Hot chilly Peppers---Can't stop American high school life Explain the words below in English 1.Matthew is a freshman at MIT. 2.Marella threw her half-eaten banana into the trashcan. 3.Students put their jackets in their lockers during the day. 4.Short people are more likely to get shoved around than tall people. Key points Students had five minutes to get from one class to another, but it usually took longer because the hallways were so packed. Paraphrase: Even though people are smart, that doesn’t mean they do well in school. Such is the case with Bobby. At first I kept to myself to avoid attention, but then I realized that I’d been scared for no reason. Paraphrase: Ben always just keeps to himself to avoid attention. Idioms : Copycat: “Hazel was accused of being a copycat when the teacher saw her looking at Rob’s exam answers.” Hit the books: “Jonas hit the books when he realized that he had a very important exam the next day.” Pass with flying colors: “Julian was uncertain about the important exam even though his teacher told him that he would pass with flying colors!” Skip class: “Martin was tempted to skip class because his next lesson involved a difficult maths test.” Dropout: “Mike studied extra hard for his exams because he did not want to be a high school dropout.” Teacher's pet: “Candida didn’t mind being the teacher’s pet because she always got good grades.” Bookworm: “Chase spent all day in the library revising for the big exam. He’s turned into such a bookworm!” Brainstorm: “The marketing team sat down for a brainstorm as they need some new ideas for their next campaign.” Comprehension exercises: I was about to ____________ in an American high school. The locker doors ____________ as students ____________. At first I kept to myself to ____________, but then I realized that ____________. Discussion: What were you expecting in high school? Word bank tremble hallway