驻下英语Level 2 / Let's run

驻下英语Level 2 / Let's run

2017-03-11    17'58''

主播: kobeghy

113 5

本栏目由驻下英语赞助推荐 Kobe Works可鄙作品制作出品 背景音乐:Enya----Only time Let’s run Fill the gaps with the words below prize organize finish whole depend side 1.The game________on the weather. 2.Jean is _________a party for us. 3.Jim got a _______when he won the race. 4.Did you ______the book yet? 5.Walk down the left ______of the street. 6.David ate a _______pie!Wow! Then they get tired and have a hard time finishing the race. have a hard time doing something 1.害羞的人很难交到朋友_____________________ 2.她很难拒绝别人___________________________ 3.要他们完成这个任务很难_____________________ The way they train depends on the length of the race. *length n. lengthen v. *depend on 1.假期延长了,工作周就缩短了________________________________ 2.跑到需要加长______________________________________ 3.段落的长短取决于它所传达的信息量__________________________________ 4.小孩依赖父母供给衣食________________________________ To do well in a race, runners must pace themselves. pace v. Keep pace with... 1.Tom跑得太快了,我不能跟上他____________________________ 2.棕色的马跑得太快了,黑色的马很难才能追上它_________________________________ Question: Have you ever run in a charity race? Why or why not? Do you know any charity organizations, can you tell us something about them?