托福TPO11 Conversation2

托福TPO11 Conversation2

2014-11-20    02'43''

主播: 当绿July

247 68

TPO 11 Conversation2 Narrator Listen to a conversation between a student and a Professor. Student Hi professor Atkins, you wanted to see me? Professor Hi Bill thanks for coming. I wanted to talk to you about ….. Student Is there ... is there something wrong with my research paper? Professor No, not at all, in fact it's very good. That’s why I wanted to talk to you. Student Oh, thanks Professor I think you know the department is looking to hire a new professor, are you familiar with our hiring process? Student No, but what is that got to do with me? Professor Well, Bill, we have several qualified applicants we are serious about. And as part of the interview process, we have them meet with a committee of professors and students in our department. They also have to give a talk. Student You mean like a lecture? Professor Yes, like a sample lecture on one of their academic interests Student Oh, so you can see their teaching style. Professor Exactly Student Uh-huh.…Make sense. Professor So I’d like to know if you’d be willing to join us as a student representatives on the interview committee. It’d be a good experience for you. You could put it on your resume. Student Oh… that’d look good for my grad school application, I guess, so, what do I have to do? Professor The department secretary will give you a schedule of the applicants’ visits. If you are free, we’d like you to attend their talks and then later you can give us your opinion. Oh, and we usually serve lunch or snacks depending on what time the talk is. Student Cool, that’s another good reason to do this. Um… when is the next talk? Professor We actually haven't had any yet, the first one is next Friday, at 10 AM, then lunch, and then formal discussion with the applicant right after. Student Oh well, I’m free on Fridays. If all the talks are on Fridays, I will be able to make it to all of them. Professor That’s great, now you should know that this job candidate is interested in the life cycles in the forest. Student That’s what my research about. Professor Yes, I know that’s why I feel it necessary to point out that even though this applicant’s research interests are similar to yours; we want you to tell us what you think about the teaching of all these applicants. Your perspective as a student, how the applicant teaches in the classroom, that what’s important to us. Student I understand. So how many applicants are there? Professor Let’s see, we have 4, all very good candidates, that we will be looking at over the next few weeks. It's going to be a tough decision. But it'll be a good experience for you, especially if you’re going to grad school. Student Thank you. It’ll be cool to do this. I’ll get a copy of the schedule from the secretary on my way out. Professor You’re welcome, see you in class this afternoon
上一期: 托福TPO11 Lecture2
下一期: 托福TPO11 Lecture3