Vol. 285 简单除了easy还可以这么说!

Vol. 285 简单除了easy还可以这么说!

2017-10-24    04'57''

主播: 英语口语每天学

23133 521

【微信公众平台】搜索“英语口语每天学”,获取独家免费英语学习资料 There's nothing to it. 很简单 A: Oh man!You're really good at picking up girls. 天呐!你真的很会泡妞。 B: There's nothing to it. I am just rich and handsome. 很简单啊。我只是有钱,比较帅而已。 demanding 费时费力的 Police work is physically demanding and stressful. 警察的工作考验体力,压力大。 challenging 有难度的,考验人的 You find out what you are capable of when you are in a really challenging situation. 当你身处一个真正考验人的境地中的时候,你会发现自己到底擅长什么。 tough 困难的;棘手的 It&`&s a tough time for us at the moment so we must stick together. 现在对我们来说是困难时期,我们必须团结在一起。 Easier said than done. 说着容易做着难