Vol.282 偶遇、邂逅地道的英文到底怎么说?

Vol.282 偶遇、邂逅地道的英文到底怎么说?

2017-10-11    04'45''

主播: 英语口语每天学

23798 565

【微信公众平台】搜索“英语口语每天学”,获取独家免费英语学习资料 encounter n. 偶然相遇,邂逅,不期而遇 A meeting, especially one that happens by chance. ❖I've had many close encounters with bad drivers. 我遭遇过很多差劲的司机。 encounter v. ❖She's the most beautiful girl I've ever encountered. 她是我遇到最漂亮的女生。 bump into someone =run into someone 不期而遇 ❖I bumped into my ex when I was at the cinema yesterday. 昨天在电影院的时候我偶遇了我的前任。 bump v. 颠簸而行 ❖The car bumped its way slowly down the dirt track. 车子沿着这条泥土小道前行着。 【每日一题】 考考你,下面括号部分是否正确?如果不对的话哪个对呢?留言处写下你的选择并翻译句子。 If the books [have been cataloged] last week, why haven't they been placed on the shelf? A. have been cataloged B. would have been cataloged C. was cataloged D. were cataloged E. had been cataloged