Vol.271 作死英文原来这么讲!

Vol.271 作死英文原来这么讲!

2017-08-08    04'21''

主播: 英语口语每天学

61630 1590

【微信公众平台】搜索“英语口语每天学”,每日获取笨老撕不一样的分享。 【新浪微博】搜索“笨老撕” You are asking for it. 你自找的。作死。 Have it coming 自作自受 He had it coming because he had an affair with another girl. 他和另一个女生搞外遇, 真是作死。 Deserve it 应得 Take the money. You deserve it. 把钱拿着。这是你应得的。 He wanted some, and he got it. 不作死就不会死。